Olivia & David

Saturday, April 19, 2025 • Wheatland, CA
36 Days To Go!

Olivia & David

Saturday, April 19, 2025 • Wheatland, CA
36 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Dan and Mike - The Flower Dads
Michael Evans and Dan Risucci, fathers of the bride and groom respectively, will be setting the tone for the garden party by tossing petals down the aisle and standing in support of Olivia and David.
Kyra and Barbara - The Moms
Kyra Evans and Barbara Risucci, mothers of the bride and groom respectively, will be gracing the aisle with love and standing in support of Olivia and David.
Chris Parker - The Best Man
Chris and David met at Hope Chapel when they were kids, and they instantly hit it off because neither could name a sport they didn't like. From basketball after church every Sunday, to supporting Chris' successful start in tattooing and business ownership, to David standing for Chris and Chloe at their 2021 wedding, the pair have been inseparable in an honorable example of loyalty and friendship.
Nicole Yates - The Maid of Honor
Nicole and Olivia have birthdays five days apart, so when rushing Alpha Gamma Delta at Chico State in Spring 2011, they had to stand next to each other in line. Luckily, the two found many other reasons to be friends. Since 2011, Olivia and Nicole have gone from living next door to one another to living 170 miles apart, but never fail to make the time to spend together whether it be running errands for the weekend, checking things off a California bucket list, or traveling all over the world for their next adventure and new experience. Olivia is so proud of everything Nicole has accomplished and values her friendship so much, there was no question in who to have beside her when marrying David.
Rob Risucci - The Officiant
Rob is David's cousin and friend, and has welcomed Olivia into the large Risucci family since early on in the relationship. The couple always enjoys hanging out with Rob and welcomes the opportunity to have a friend facilitate this special ceremony.